Disconnect to Reconnect:  A Back-to-Basics Experience

It’s that time of year again.  Spring has sprung and everything is gearing up for a busy summer season.  The kids need to get to practice.  The lawn needs mowing.  Your phone is ringing off the hook at work…

beach accessDo Something For You! It’s time to unplug and recharge that battery before the real drain starts when school lets out for summer.

Three times a year integrative life and business coach Annelies Gentile and drum circle facilitator Greg Whitt co-lead a back-to-basics immersion for adults who need a break from their busy lives. Each event invites you to unplug in order to look within, get still, refresh and connect with others through creativity, mindfulness and the natural world.

Are you ready to Unplug?

rocking porchToday, it takes way more human attention “bandwidth” to function and most of us are exposed to technology overload and noise pollution.  You’re invited to get grounded and get away from the busy-ness of work and overwhelm of life! Reboot your system and recharge your own batteries with this back-to-basics retreat. Gain community and creativity, and learn easy tools on how to unplug at home and de-stress at work.

Join us for a bit of peace of mind!

HeronYou may be surprised at how valuable disconnecting will be to you personally and professionally. LET GO of your electronic tether and come play with us!

Discover your inner nature IN nature on the beautiful coast of North Carolina at Trinity Center on the Southern Outer Banks, about 2 hours 45 min from Raleigh.  Trinity Center has over 60 acres stretching from Bogue Sound to the Atlantic Ocean, with private beach access and a variety of walking trails through diverse coastal natural habitats.

DormDe-Stress to Success! Did you know slowing down helps you focus?  This adults-only experience includes climate controlled accommodations on Bogue Sound with activities nestled within a protected live oak maritime forest or on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean.  All meals are included for a healthy and affordable experience.   Take advantage of yoga, life coaching, de-stressing skills or utilize the generous built-in free time to get back in touch with nature at its finest!

Are you running on empty? JOIN US!

Here’s what others say about our Unplugged experience!

  • “I had so many incredible observations about me and the world! This was a huge eye-opener!!”
  • “I had tons of new ideas, just by slowing down! I’m more creative and productive at work now and I’m nicer to be around. I actually feel better about who I am because I learned new practices on how to unplug.”
  • “Instead of wasting my time endlessly checking email and social media, I sat outside in the sun. I kept asking myself, how did I get this far from my center? I’m so grateful to have stepped away.”
  • “In my busy life, I never have a quiet moment to myself. What a gift to unplug, get quiet and still. Thank you for reminding me to unplug!”



AnneliesCONTACT ANNELIES    Transformative experiences for you, your company, and your community. Integrative Coaching.  Consulting.  Workshops. Seminars.  Team-building.  Retreats.  annelies@conduitforchange.com     919-345-8396   www.conduitforchange.com

Camp Registration is Open!

Camp applications have been mailed!  


Click Here for Forms

Camp in SessionIf you are not on our mailing list, or don’t feel like waiting for the postal service, you can go to our website and download registration forms.  Forms can be faxed or mailed back to us.

For those new to the Trinity Center experience, Camp Trinity is a summer residential camp sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina at Trinity Center, and, this will be our 29th summer season!

In fact, our Executive Director, Penn Perry, is the former Camp Director (and a Camp Leech camper–Camp T’s predecessor) and our current Camp Director, Mary Beth Bradberry, is a former camper.  We often joke that Mary Beth has been at Trinity Center longer than any of us since she’s pretty much been here since fifth grade!

Your Children are Safe with Us!

boys learning to sailCamp Trinity is proud to be accredited by the American Camping Association.  Developed exclusively for the camp industry, this nationally recognized program focuses on program quality, and health & safety issues, and requires us to review every facet of our operation every three years.  In 2013, Camp Trinity scored high marks in all areas.boys in life vests

In 2015, around 600 campers came through Trinity Center.  The Camp Trinity program is administered by an experienced staff, of college-age and older individuals, with a ratio of one staff person for every four campers.  The Summer Staff consists of trained counselors who are responsible for the care and nurture of campers in their cabin life and camp activities, program staff who plan and implement the recreational program activities for campers, a certified staff of lifeguards and instructors who oversee the swimming and boating programs, and a nurse who cares for the medical needs of campers.  Camp sessions are led by volunteer leaders, clergy, and laity.

Traditional Camp Activities plus Unique Opportunities!

Camp Trinity offers young people (rising 3rd through 12th grades) an opportunity to experience camping in an enjoyable and beautiful setting on North Carolina’s Southern Outer Banks, between Bogue Sound and the Atlantic Ocean.   Unique opportunities not available at other camps are every day programs at Camp Trinity.  Traditional activities include:canoe in lagoon

  • Swimming instruction
  • Sailing and canoeing
  • A variety of sports
  • Challenge Courses and Teamwork Initiatives
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Evening entertainments (singing, skits, dances, etc.)
  • Christian Education and Worship

owlAlthough most activities are groups of cabin mates, the camp program also offers additional “Shareshops” of special activities where a camper can choose their own interest and have a chance to mingle with campers in other cabins.  Examples of these activities range from special sports (i.e. pool volleyball), intricate crafts (tie dyed T-shirts), and Sound to Sea Programs where campers meet Trinity Center’s Birds of Prey.tug of war

Each day ends with the sharing of the day’s events, singing, and stories (including the latest antics of the Doo Hammer who has been chasing kiddie campers for more than 30 years!) on the ocean side Pavilion, or around the campfire.

You are Never too Old for Camp!

snack time teens
For Senior High Campers (rising grades 10th-12th), a variety of activities will center around agirls at picnic table
program theme.  The activities will include vehicles such as discussions, skits, Shareshops, and worship exploring issues such as spirituality, Christian values, societal problems, and personal growth.  There is structured group time and activities, and free time scheduled throughout each day.

Adventurers:  Special Session for Special People!adventurer wheel dance

All of Trinity Center looks forward to Adventurers week.  The love and joy on campus are pure tangible entities.  It is absolutely impossible to have a bad week when the Adventurers are around.

penn with adventurersadventurers in the poolThis camp session is designed for persons of all ages with mental and/or physical special needs.  The activities for this session are based on our traditional programs and adapted where necessary so everyone can have the “camp” experience in spite of limitations.  We have one camper who has attended for over 20 years!

adventurer funny 
 Adventurer Floating in pool

Camp Facility and Island Setting!
three legged race

Camp Trinity is situated along the Bogue Sound and includes waterfront climate-controlled cabins with indoor bathrooms, dorm life covered recreation building, outdoor recreation field, challenge course, assembly building, dining room, boat docks, campfire circles, Sanders service at sanders pointPoint Outdoor Chapel, and oceanfront Pavilion.
Many different waterfronts are available to campers.  Sailing, canoeing and marsh exploration take place in Bogue sound. Swimming lessons, free swim, and waterboys sand castlecarnival events happen around the Olympic sized pool.  Swimming, sand castle building, games, and beach walks occur on the Trinity Center private beach accessed by a tunnel under the island’s main highway.

Something for Everyone!

sittin n thinkinLike to attend Camp, or know someone who would, if only the family budget allowed?  Camp Trinity has a financial assistance policy for those who might otherwise be unable to attend.  Contact the camp office for a financial assistance form or more information.  getting in sailboatsFinancial assistance applications are reviewed in the Spring when the total amount of available funds is known.  Financial assistance scholarships are made possible through gifts and memorial contributions to Camp Trinity.


Can’t Wait Until Summer?Here no see no

Already know and love Camp Trinity?  dance
If you are 8th through 12th grade, get a taste of camp in January at the Camp Trinity Reunion.  Every winter, former campers candlelightget together to see old friends anCentrum Goofd participate in both some well-loved camp activities as well as sample some new ideas that might show up at the next summer session.  In any case, any reason to come to Trinity Center is a good reason.  Call us for more information!


What if You Don’t Want to Wait?

Did you know Trinity Center frequently hosts Groups Retreats that are open to the public?

Phrases we often hear from departing guests are “I love it here; I can’t wait until our retreat next year!” or “It was great but we didn’t have enough time to enjoy the property!”  But you really don’t have to wait until your particular group returns on an annual retreat or pine for missed free time.  Trinity Center hosts several new and recurring events that have open registration and welcome new participants.

Anytime you visit our blog, check the right side bar for advertisements of upcoming retreats open to the public, or visit our (ahem) “Upcoming Retreats Open to the Public” page.  These notices are our way of spreading the word that there may be new and unusual ways to visit one of your favorite places, or to make new friends while participating in a beloved activity.

Sometimes you have an opportunity to get in on something missed.  Occasionally a guest will catch a glimpse of an interesting activity and will tell us they “always wanted to attend a [fill in the blank] but didn’t know in time.”  Once in a while, Groups ask us to post vacancy notices after a registration window closes because one or more attendees have an unexpected change of plans.

Upcoming Retreats at Trinity Center:

March 27-30, 2015:  Painting by the Sea – Spring Artists’ Workshop with Jane Filer.  Work in the Studio or outside in Filer adthe sunshine.  Experience Individual Instruction and Painting Demonstration.   Have time for work and Fun!  Jane’s work has been included in numerous prestigious collections in international, corporate and private sectors.  She has been hosting workshops at Trinity Center since 2007.  Limited post registration vacancies available!

Amani AdApril 10-13, 2015:  Yoga at the Beach with Lisa Amani to be held at the Trinity Center.  This year’s retreat will include sessions in the beautiful oceanfront Morgan Beach House where one practices gentle yoga postures, breathing & meditation techniques in rhythm with the oceans waves and transform your body, mind, spirit, and your life.

web adMay 1-4, 2015:  Cathy Holt Yoga Spring Yoga Retreat.  Spending concentrated time in retreat, we cultivate consciousness and nonjudgmental awareness. It is a gift to Self, a chance for mental, physical, and spiritual rejuvenation. We will spend several hours a day in a morning and afternoon practice of yoga, pranyama and meditation and some evening activities a couple of the nights. There will always be a long break in the afternoon for you to explore the beautiful beach, the sound side, and pretty little trails.

May 3-10, 2015:  Resource Center for Woman & Ministry in the South – Writers’ Retreat.    Two or three times a year, we reserve a house at the beach and sponsor aOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA week of silence and writing for a group of about nine women.  Our writing retreats at the beach have been an enormous success, providing time for small groups of women to gather and includes days of quiet and writing, and evenings of readings and conversation.  These are not workshops but provide unstructured time for women to write.

May 15-17, 2015:  Loving Inward – A Retreat for Women with Coach Elizabeth Love.  loving inwardExperience a weekend of discovery, nurture &rejuvenation because You are worth loving well…boundaries… self-care… coming back home to You.  Reconnect with who you really are and begin living from your deepest truth.  Limited spaces available!

May 31-June 4, 2015:   Yoma Yoga 4th Annual Ocean Retreat at Trinity Center Pelican House.  Join Sharon Cournoyer, Certified Yoga Instructor, for an opportunity to remember,May 31 retreat surrender and open to what comes from exploring yoga, meditation, journaling & nature.  Only two spaces left!

June 25-28 and July 23-26, 2015:  Summer Interplay Untensive with Ginny Going and Tom Henderson.  Want an extended time of creative play in a community of people 2015 interplay adwho will affirm and applaud you? Then come down to the ocean for one of these multi-day experiences of InterPlay that includes time to relax, hang out and play in nature. Play, dance, tell stories, rest, walk on the beach, swim in the ocean and enjoy being part of a playful community. Life doesn’t have to be so hard!

blog side adJuly 17-19, 2015:  Dr. Z Yoga Retreat.  Join us for our 6th annual weekend of yoga and the beach!  All Inclusive price includes lodging, three meals per day, Happy Hours, twice daily Yoga instruction, and Saturday night Zumba® party! All levels of experience and both men and women are welcome!

Hoofing It To Trinity!

New Year’s Eve brings a break in the normal tranquility of Trinity Center.  A long standing tradition, the sounds of live music and dance beats, stomping feet, and shouts of glee ring through the maritime forest as one of our most energetic groups rings in the New Year.  Welcome to the 17th Annual Bogue Banks Boogie!  Boogie Set-up Crew 06-07

The “Boogie” is sponsored by the Triangle Country Dancers (TCD) which is a nonprofit organization that promotes the enjoyment, preservation, and study of contra dancing and other English and American traditional and historic dance, music, and song. TCD is a group affiliate of the Country Dance and Song Society.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Contra dancing is a form of North American folk dance in which the dancers form two parallel lines that run the length of the hall. In its simplest form, it is danced by pairs of couples.  Eventually each couple dances with every other couple in the set. Normally, the caller teaches each dance before it is actually done to music. This gives everyone an idea of what to expect, and an opportunity to practice the figures.


This year features the high-energy combination of The Ivory Boys and Bree Kalb.  The Ivory Boys feature almost all original music and non-traditional arrangements that’s all about the groove. Described as “rocking” and “funky” the trio includes pianist George Paul, David DiGiuseppe on accordion, and Jim Roberts on drums.  The band is influenced by Swing & Jazz and African, Cuban, and Rock rhythms.

Twenty year veteran Caller, Bree Kalb, thinks a great band makes BBB1her a better caller so is thrilled to be working with The Ivory Boys. She loves the challenge of creating a program that is varied, interesting, and delightful.


Dancing from the time they arrive December 31st through the next day, the dancers will waltz in 2015 while enjoying Trinity’s unique beach setting with great live music, home cooking, late night games, snacks, or moonlight walks and comfortable rooms–all without having to drive during the prime risky traffic holiday.

bbb2Many dancing couples make the New Year’s celebration into a mini-vacation to recuperate from the demands of the season and arrive early or leave a day or two later.

While you do not have to be a member of a dance club to attend, the “Boogie” is designed for those with some contra dancing experience, little or large.  Depending on space available, beginners are encouraged and dancing children are always delightfully welcomed.

If you want to waltz in the New Year at The Bogue Banks Boogie and Trinity Center, click on the link below for registration information.


BIG SWEEP Saturday, October 18th

Come Sweep the Beach at Trinity!

During the month of October, communities of Carteret County are participating in the 28th Annual Big Sweep.  Although the kick-off statewide is the first weekend, we extend participation throughout the month.  Saturday, October 18th is the day Trinity Center and our Sound to Sea program contributes to the Pine Knoll Shores Big Sweep as part of our ongoing effort to keep our beloved beaches and waterways clean.


If you love our beaches, please join us on the Beach at 10:00AM, Saturday, October 18, 2014.  Trinity Center will provide work gloves, trash bags and other tools.  You bring the sunscreen and water bottle.


Volunteers will also log the amount and type of items collected, and how many animals suffered entanglements, to add to the statewide record tracking the types of trash ebb and flow over our waterways.

In 2013, 645 volunteers covered over 24 miles resulting in the removal of over 2500 pounds of trash from Carteret County waterways.

Some Big Sweep Tips for participation:

  • Take a hat or visor and sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun.
  • Wear old, comfortable clothes. You will get dirty.
  • Take a snack and a drink along. You’ll probably get thirsty.
  • Bring some insect repellent and a pair of gloves.
  • Make sure your shoes are sturdy and have closed toes. Your shoes may get wet. Do not go barefoot.
  • Stay with a partner or group, and be sure that children are supervised by an adult.
  • Wear a life jacket if you’ll be in a boat. Do not wade into the water to gather debris if the current is fast. Never enter the water unless you know its depth and are wearing a life jacket. Be safe and careful.
  • Watch for snakes and spiders. Be careful of poison oak and poison ivy.
  • Watch out for steep, slippery, and unstable banks. If you are unsure of conditions, find a safer place or ask for assistance.
  • Do not touch medical waste, chemical containers, barrels, pesticides, or other dangerous items. Note their location and tell your site coordinator.
  • Do not touch any animals, dead or alive. Trapped or injured animals may bite, and they can carry disease. Alert your site coordinator.
  • Have a safe, fun time!


Inner Body Yoga By The Sea During May 1-4, 2014


This retreat is open to Everyone!  

Whether new to yoga, or an experienced practitioner, feel free to come just as you are!

Vibrant and fun yet peaceful, serene and deeply restorative…Enjoy a relaxing weekend free of demands, schedules, and unfinished emails!

ImageInner Body Yoga embraces an experiential, creative, easy effort, approach.  Inner Body Yoga is a gentle yet powerful practice to help us feel more alive, healthy, peaceful and free in our bodies and our lives.  Each class is designed to offer a fresh exploration of the poses, breath, & movement… full of imagery, playfulness, and a spirit of adventure.

Sessions will be held in the Trinity Center Morgan Beach Meeting House,

Imagewhich sits on a naturally elevated setting overlooking the beach.  Perhaps our greatest teacher of the weekend will be the ocean, from whom we will have the opportunity to glean fresh insight into ways we can naturally access our own inner fluidity, as a means to help previously blocked energy, flow more freely for self renewal, vitalization, health, and freedom.

ImageThe Trinity Center is a conference and retreat center, comprised of 62 acres of pristine maritime forest, extending from Bogue Sound to the Atlantic Ocean.   Nestled within the serene grounds are guest rooms, dining facilities, conference & meeting spaces, swimming pools, and numerous walking trails.  A mild climate and landscape, designed with sensitivity to the island environment, provide peaceful and restful surroundings.

The three night workshop stay includes room, yoga sessions and all meals.

ImageThe hotel style lodging is temperature controlled and each has a private bath. Bedrooms are clustered around a large common deck with plenty of rocking chairs for journal writing, drawing, reading, daydreaming or napping.  There will be plenty of free time in between sessions for your choice of leisure activities on the beach, walking the dune and salt marsh trails, or dangling legs from the sound-side docks.  Double and single occupancy rooms are available.

To register please contact Molly Drake at Blue Saturation Yoga

phone: 919-619-8148  email: bluesaturation@gmail.com  

707 Bolin Creek Dr., Carrboro, NC 27510      


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