Disconnect to Reconnect:  A Back-to-Basics Experience

It’s that time of year again.  Spring has sprung and everything is gearing up for a busy summer season.  The kids need to get to practice.  The lawn needs mowing.  Your phone is ringing off the hook at work…

beach accessDo Something For You! It’s time to unplug and recharge that battery before the real drain starts when school lets out for summer.

Three times a year integrative life and business coach Annelies Gentile and drum circle facilitator Greg Whitt co-lead a back-to-basics immersion for adults who need a break from their busy lives. Each event invites you to unplug in order to look within, get still, refresh and connect with others through creativity, mindfulness and the natural world.

Are you ready to Unplug?

rocking porchToday, it takes way more human attention “bandwidth” to function and most of us are exposed to technology overload and noise pollution.  You’re invited to get grounded and get away from the busy-ness of work and overwhelm of life! Reboot your system and recharge your own batteries with this back-to-basics retreat. Gain community and creativity, and learn easy tools on how to unplug at home and de-stress at work.

Join us for a bit of peace of mind!

HeronYou may be surprised at how valuable disconnecting will be to you personally and professionally. LET GO of your electronic tether and come play with us!

Discover your inner nature IN nature on the beautiful coast of North Carolina at Trinity Center on the Southern Outer Banks, about 2 hours 45 min from Raleigh.  Trinity Center has over 60 acres stretching from Bogue Sound to the Atlantic Ocean, with private beach access and a variety of walking trails through diverse coastal natural habitats.

DormDe-Stress to Success! Did you know slowing down helps you focus?  This adults-only experience includes climate controlled accommodations on Bogue Sound with activities nestled within a protected live oak maritime forest or on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean.  All meals are included for a healthy and affordable experience.   Take advantage of yoga, life coaching, de-stressing skills or utilize the generous built-in free time to get back in touch with nature at its finest!

Are you running on empty? JOIN US!

Here’s what others say about our Unplugged experience!

  • “I had so many incredible observations about me and the world! This was a huge eye-opener!!”
  • “I had tons of new ideas, just by slowing down! I’m more creative and productive at work now and I’m nicer to be around. I actually feel better about who I am because I learned new practices on how to unplug.”
  • “Instead of wasting my time endlessly checking email and social media, I sat outside in the sun. I kept asking myself, how did I get this far from my center? I’m so grateful to have stepped away.”
  • “In my busy life, I never have a quiet moment to myself. What a gift to unplug, get quiet and still. Thank you for reminding me to unplug!”



AnneliesCONTACT ANNELIES    Transformative experiences for you, your company, and your community. Integrative Coaching.  Consulting.  Workshops. Seminars.  Team-building.  Retreats.  annelies@conduitforchange.com     919-345-8396   www.conduitforchange.com

Blessings DO come in small packages!


Swansboro Rotary reminds us that blessings DO come in small packages! Many thanks to the Swansboro Rotary Club in advance for donating oyster shells from their upcoming Annual Oyster Roast being held March 16th, 2013!

STS Staff

With help from our Sound to Sea Instructors, take a look at how we will be using these oyster shells at Sanders Point! (Information has been taken from our Sound to Sea Facebook Page)


Sanders Point at Trinity Center.


Human and natural activity has eroded away the marsh that acts as a natural barrier in front of Sanders Point. As the marsh in front of Sander’s Point eroded, the water came up higher and pulled away the soil that was holding trees in place. — at Trinity Center.


The altar stand at Sanders Point has fallen apart as the water is able to get higher and higher. — at Trinity


As the marsh in front of Sanders Point is lost, the high energy waves of winter time pull more sand and sediment away. The marsh is a natural barrier that slows down the waves, distributing the energy of those waves. As the waves loose speed, sand and sediment are deposited, actually building up the marsh. — atTrinity Center.


We are planning on installing a marsh still in front of Sanders Point to help stop further erosion and eventually build the marsh up. The waves are slowed down as they hit the sill. Our sill will be made of oyster shells instead of rock. (Donated from Swansboro Rotary Club – YAY!)  We will be planting marsh grasses behind where the sill will be installed to help speed up the marsh’s restoration.


STS Instructor Chris helps take measurements with Coastal Federation staff for the marsh sill. Boy, it’s cold out there!

Don’t forget to follow our blog to to get regular updates about Trinity Center via email and thanks for reading about us! Now, let’s go eat some oysters!